BTB how to network effectively

How to Network Effectively

If you want to go fast, go alone; if you want to go far, go with others ~African proverb~

Networking is one of the most effective ways to get connected, leading to successful long lasting relationships in your career.


Are you terrified about networking? Many people feel uncomfortable about meeting new people and facing new challenges when attending networking events. It can be very daunting.

Whether it be to build up your business or to develop your career, networking is highly essential. During this workshop, you will be able to identify the network you may need, how to network a room and how to build rapport with confidence leading to long lasting relationships.


  1. What is the true form of networking?

  2. How to overcome the barriers to mingle

  3. Ice-breaking

  4. Etiquette in networking

  5. How to connect and build rapport with impact

  6. Cross-cultural awareness. How to meet and greet people with different backgrounds

  7. How to accurately remember faces and names

  8. How and when to follow-up contacts leading to lasting relationships

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